Size of Baby Andrew: About 16 inches tall and just under 3 or so pounds.
Feeling: So good! This week I've felt awesome. The ouchie symptoms have been way way down and I have been so much more comfortable this week!
Fitness: I've been trying! I did some push ups (it was hilarious to feel just how atrophied my muscles are), squats and lunges, and doing stairs.
Sleep: I've been more tired this week for sure. Trying to carve out more hours for sleep and also giving myself more grace (and coffee- haven't had much in the last 2 years!)
Best Moment From Last Week: Having my baby shower. It was so magical to get to spend the evening with so many of my favorite ladies and get to celebrate Andrew coming! And putting away and sorting all the clothes and gifts into the nursery was such a joy. We are almost ready for you, little guy!
Movement: So wiggly! He is most consistently active while I'm reading in bed before I go to sleep each night, but lots of cute little wiggles all day.
Cravings: Oh man- I made this Pad Thai with spaghetti squash this week and I cannot stop thinking about it! It was AMAZING! So we will be having it weekly from here on out :)
Total Weight Gain: 19-20 pounds. Staying really focused on eating healthy the last few weeks but this little guy keeps growing for sure!
What am I looking forward to this week: We are having a home weekend this coming weekend. No outside plans, chill expectations, and I can't wait! We've had a few really busy weeks in a row and need the rest time.
Milestones: Glucose test is done!
Fashion: I think this is going to be a summer of tank tops and pony tails.
How is Daddy and Evelyn? We have had a really hard and challenging week of parenting Evelyn. But it brought to light some changes Joe and I needed to make and it has brought big changes in Evelyn's obedience and her heart. So we count that as a huge win!