I watched my mom totally rock her turn. It's not every day you see a mom this cool :) And so, inspired, I got out there ready to tear it up. Usually I'm more than a bit timid out there, but I figured if Mom could do it, I could. So I cut harder and faster, jumped higher, and worked on getting comfortable on my switchfoot.
(But here's the thing- I'm a nose plugger. I have tried to stop, even after everyone makes fun, but it's automatic.)
Outside the wake, ready to switch back. BOOM! Edge caught, face plant, and for a split second I see my hand reach up to cover my nose. Yes, I simultaneously face planted and punched myself in the face. (If you want to see the video, check out my facebook and get ready for a chuckle!)
Eyes watering, I couldn't let that be the last run of the season. I went again. Not 30 seconds later, I had another face plant. Mind you, this is not a fall I've taken for a couple years and they leave you with a certain kind of special whip lash that's not for the faint of heart. What could I do? Giving up just didn't feel right. And so, I went again.
Isn't this life? We normally do our life cautiously. We have some fun, but never let ourselves fully try. Always protecting, always careful, staying on the sidelines. But I say "No More!" Not that I'm going to rush into every friendship like we are BFFs and set unrealistic expectations for myself, but I'm done playing cautious, hiding behind my thoughts. I'm ready to live, to cut hard, to jump high and catch a little air.

And what's the worst that could have happened on the morning wakeboard run? Not the falls. No, those aren't fun, but they aren't worst case. The worst possibility is taking a whole turn without taking a risk, without trying something new, without going for it.
Life is messy and mistakes happen. You are going to mess up. Don't let your fear of falling keep you from flying. Brush yourself off, get back up, and give it all you've got.
Are you ready to go all in? Where in your life are you holding back?
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