One thing I've been really pondering on is generational baton passing, thanks to her teaching. At all times we are an older woman and a younger woman. Both of these roles are so important to generational living and passing on wisdom.
As the younger woman, it's time to close your mouth, ask questions, and absorb. Be mentored. Receive the advice. Be ready to learn. These older women have such knowledge to pass to us. Don't miss out because you're too busy telling instead of listening.
And we are also the older woman. Who can we reach out to? Open your life to these younger women, showing and sharing with them the wisdom you have learned. Mentor them. Listen and advise them. Invite them to your table and teach this coming generation about hospitality, love, grace, trials.
Look into your life, at those around you. Who are you ready to learn from and who do you need to let into your world? If the passing of the baton gets dropped or passed too late outside the designated area, we all are disqualified. Let's run this race in beauty, passing wisdom and love accordingly.
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