Friday, May 16, 2014

14 Week Bumpdate

14 weeks and feeling great!
Total Weight Gain: Still staying right at 1.5 lbs

 Does unmotivated count as a symptom? lol! I really have to push myself to want to do anything active. But, every day as I go on a walk or do some yoga or weight work, I have such a feeling of accomplishment.

Size of the baby:
 3.5 inches- we've got a little lemon :)

 I've hit a really fun patch of tired all day, insomnia most nights. But changing some evening wind-down habits has helped a lot :)

Best Moment Last Week:
  Getting to celebrate Mother's Day as a mom, with my mom. 
Movement: None this week. 
Cravings: Still mexican :) 
What I Miss: Knowing that all my shirts fit. It's been a week of weeding out the ones that can no longer button!

What am I looking forward to: Moving home!! Joseph and I are so thrilled to be moving to our hometown of Salem in just over a week. It's a whirlwind, but sometimes the Lord opens a lot of doors very very quickly :)
Milestones: I bought my maternity swimsuit for this summer. I'm looking forward to feeling super cute as the weather warms.
How is Daddy? Busy getting ready for his trip to Alaska this week. I'm really glad he gets to take this man time adventure with his brothers. 


  1. Aw, I'm so excited for you guys and baby lemon Wright!!

  2. Are you really moving? Wow! Let me know if you need any help packing or if you need a meal or something!

  3. Oh thank you for the sweet offer Miss Cassandra :) You're a great friend!
