Monday, June 23, 2014

19 Weeks- A different kind of bumpdate

This week I seem to have an overflowing heart that burns to share of God's unyielding faithfulness and work in me. If you're looking for the usual stats, just scroll through to the bottom :)

Not many of you know the journey in full that Joseph and I have been on this past year. It was almost a year ago that we decided to open up our hearts and life to children. Having always had family on our hearts, it wasn't a difficult decision, just filled with excitement and anticipation.

And then weeks went on.

And months passed.

And what felt like to be 50 friends told us of their joy. And we celebrated wholeheartedly with them, but still ached for our own little miracle.

And during this time I was prepping, and researching, and readying out lives for this change. Always striving, seeking, pushing. If I could have willed myself to lay an egg like a hen, I would have! You see, I've always been someone struggling to live in the present. Either worrying (or what I would try to pass off as "planning") about the future or stressing over the poor decisions I've made in the past, present-living was something Joseph did while I looked on with sheer amazement and total non understanding. Yet, as my perfect timing, prepping, planning, praying, asking, waiting went unanswered, my heart started to change. I realized that if I became a mom with this kind of mentality, I would always have something new to obsess over (are they teething at the right schedule, they aren't rolling over soon enough, how are their reading scores, etc.). Doesn't that sound exhausting?! That's not the type of wife or mother that I wanted to be. I started to pray for peace. Peace and a little person.

Still more months passed, and though painful, it wasn't as sharp. And then one day, in the midst of our busy life, I saw those two little lines. In the next two months, Joseph would change careers, we would  pack up our whole apartment, have to say a hurried goodbye to our dear WA friends, move to our home town all on less than a 2 week notice. But my heart was still. Not by my own doing or striving, but by His incredible grace.
I guess I just wanted to share the beauty of a peaceful heart and the testament it is to God's faithfulness in the most inner turmoiled girl. Having never experienced it before, I am just amazed at how simple life feels, even though it hasn't really simplified at all. All of these things I store up in my heart, and I pray that this contentment is something I can grow so accustomed to that any altering of my heart's condition will cause some red flags to take me to my knees.

And now back to our normally scheduled programming:
19 weeks and growing!
Total Weight Gain: We've actually gained this week: 3 lbs total.
Symptoms: Stuffy nose each morning
Size of the baby: About 6 inches long (head to rump) and half a pound 
Sleep: Still sleeping good, just on a different rhythm- hard to fall asleep, then hard to wake up. I think I may have turned into a night owl?!
Best Moment Last Week: Finding a couple of good contenders for our apartment search. Now that I have a favorite, it's easy to look around- if it doesn't beat that one, then it's out!
Movement: Getting more routine. Often waking me up- this baby likes to tell me it's hungry ;)
Cravings: Insatiable hunger this week! But not for anything in particular. Well, maybe wanting lots of cheese, so keeping tabs on that. 
What I Miss: Being able to leave the house without a snack in my purse or car. lol- You don't want me to get to the irrational hungry state
What am I looking forward to: Our 20 week anatomy scan is this Thursday where we get to find out if this is a little girl or boy. :)
Milestones: I am counting the pound and a half weight gain as this week's milestone. Glad to know everything is growing just fine.
How is Daddy? Fantastic. It's been fun working together picking out names.

Friday, June 13, 2014

18 Week Bumpdate

Total Weight Gain: Still the same. I bet this will actually get more interesting sometime before the baby is born ;)
Symptoms: Pretty tired this week, and my back is tight if I don't stretch
Size of the baby: 6.3 inches long (head to rump) and 5.5 oz! 
Sleep: Good even though I'm waking up for potty breaks and to gulp down water to quench my dying  thirst. 
Best Moment Last Week: Having my first appointment at the birth center. Got to hear that little heartbeat again :)
Movement: So much that Joseph could feel it!  
Cravings: Fruit. Wednesday market meant white raspberry bliss!
What I Miss: Not too much. Life is good. 
What am I looking forward to:A nap today :)
Milestones: I definitely popped more this week, and we got to set our appointment for the 20 week anatomy scan (aka gender time!!) in a couple weeks.
How is Daddy? So sweet to be woken up to feel the baby move :) And extremely complimentary about my changing body, which is just what I needed this week. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Bumpdate: 17 weeks (Already?!)

Obvious from the side..
..Incognito from the front!

Total Weight Gain: Up a half pound this week! So my total is now back to 1.5 lbs.
Symptoms: Being able to lay on my stomach only for about 30 min or so before baby bear starts letting me know he/she is getting squished!
Size of the baby: Baby bear doubled its weight over the last 2 weeks- now about 4 oz! And about 5-5.5 inches long! 
Sleep: Much better this week. Side sleeping is getting more and more comfortable. 
Best Moment Last Week: Getting to tour and interview multiple birthing options. Its really starting to feel real! 
Movement: Some good little "knocks", especially when laying on my tummy. 
Cravings: Nothing crazy this week, but water is super delicious!
What I Miss: Having the option of dressing to look pregnant or not. It's there to stay now! 
What am I looking forward to:Talking more and more to baby now that it's hearing (!)
Milestones: Continuing to grow, and I've made plans to have a sweet friend be my doula! Feeling more and more prepared :)
How is Daddy? Killing it at being a dad already- talking to this little person lots and giving them kisses.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

16 week Bumpdate!

16 weeks (+4 days)

Really starting to round out!

Total Weight Gain: 1 lb, but don't worry, I'm eating lots of nutritious foods often :)
Symptoms: Honestly, don't really feel pregnant except for my tighter lower back.
Size of the baby: 4.5 inches head to rump
Sleep: Learning to love not needing so much!
Best Moment Last Week: Moving home!! A HUGE thank you to all who came out to help us pack and load up everything. You made this move feel easy. 
Movement: Little flutters and what I would guess to be lots of my body stretching to make some more room :)
Cravings: With all the warm weather, liquid! -Fruit, milk, and lots of water. 
What I Miss: My sweet Bellevue friends..
What am I looking forward to:Touring a couple birthing options this weekend! Looking forward to finding the right team and place to bring this little person into the world. 
Milestones: This week I really had my belly pop. Little growth spurts like this are fun :)
How is Daddy? Taking me on lots of walks and loving his new job. Can't wait for him to hold this little person!

Pardon my tired eyes- snapped after a nap!