Friday, March 9, 2018

Bumpdates are Back! 14 weeks

Back by popular demand.. just kidding. Mostly this is just for me. It has been so precious to look back on these sweet memories from Evelyn's pregnancy. So follow along if you want to, but absolutely don't feel like you have to!

Size of the baby: A lemon this week

Feeling:  Nausea, oh the nausea. I am SO thankful that it's finished. Im on day 3 of not being sea sick... so I think I've turned the corner!

Fitness: Moving has been my reprieve from feeling sick these last months. I've stuck to walking mostly since doing much more made me more sick. I'm hoping now that I'm feeling better I can start doing some of my exercise classes again soon!

Sleep:  Glorious. We got a new black out blind for our room and it is so nice!

Best Moment Last Week: Joe and I (mostly Joe) cranked out some projects (getting our barstools in and putting together our chairs and hanging 2 new blinds) and it feels SO good to have those done. 

Movement: Nothing yet. I'm sure in a few more weeks I'll start feeling this little person

Cravings:  Beef tacos. And this specific salad from Panera. I've been craving that one for weeks!

Total Weight Gain: 4-5 lbs

What am I looking forward to:  This may sound silly, but there is a maternity dress I've had my eye on for a couple years now. Through all this waiting, it's been a bookmark on my browser for when it was our time. And I am so ordering it for Easter :) 

Milestones:  Second Trimester!

Fashion: I've moved from liking everything flowy to feeling the most pretty with things form fitting. Still sorting through what I have and a few things that people loaned to me

How is Daddy and Evelyn?  Evelyn is hilariously thrilled to be a big sister. She kisses my belly and gives the baby hugs all the time. Joe is currently kicking some serious work tail- getting in lots of overtime as well as studying for his journeyman test. We are all so glad that class nights will be done in just a couple short months!

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