Size of Baby: This section is probably not going to be super accurate from here on out. Babies with Down Syndrome tend to be on the smaller side, so we’ll see! About 13 inches and 1.5 pounds
Feeling: Uncomfortable. How this guy is sitting or how I have braxton hicks contractions or something is so different than with Evelyn. I'm beyond thankful and grateful that I can carry this pregnancy, but it's not as comfortable as I remember with Evelyn. Also I caught a cold last week which left me wiped out. Being sick while pregnant is worse than everyone jokes about!
Other symptoms: heartburn, pregnancy brain, and insomnia
Fitness: Walk walk walking! And stretching and foam rolling. And I got a go-ahead to attempt a bike ride and it went really well!
Sleep: A little insomnia this week, but I'm used to that with pregnancy. Taking it in stride! Also naps are delicious
Best Moment From The Last Two Weeks: Joseph passed his test!!! He's an official journeyman! And we picked our little guy’s name: Andrew Paul Wright 😊
And this week it has been such a joy and breath of fresh air to have Andrew’s diagnosis be fully in the open. I’m so glad I can speak freely about all that I’m learning and that God is showing me.
Movement: So much! This guy really moves. It's interesting the locations of movement- either very low or on my right or left. It's seldom at the top (where I felt most of Evelyn's movement)
Cravings: Strawberries. Blueberries. Mangos. Watermelon. Keeping it balanced but man this fruit is hitting the spot! Also ice water. And this delicious grain-free granola I got from Costco last week.
A funny food “aversion” is plain water. I’ve never not liked the taste of plain water before and I’m finding I want a little something else (either carbonation, a squeeze of lemon, just something). I’ll be buying limes and lemons this week for sure!
Total Weight Gain: 13 lbs
What am I looking forward to this week: More and more sunshine. The forecast is looking so dreamy in the mid 70s. Spring is here!!
I’m also looking forward to cranking out some of my pre-baby to do list.
Milestones: I think I finished our baby registry which feels so good! Can I just say how fun it is to have second babies? You already have all the big stuff so the list is smaller things. It feels so freeing and simple!
Fashion: I’m loving shorts and tanks! And I borrowed a nice big hat from my mom to help protect my face while outside and on walk. And this is the dress I mentioned quite a few posts back. I feel so beautiful in it!
How is Daddy and Evelyn? A hilarious development with Evelyn: because of my placenta previa, I have a lot of limitations of what I can pick up or carry. And I have a couple food sensitivities naturally. So I hear Evelyn playing this week, pretending that she has a baby in her tummy, and hear things like “Oh I can’t pick that up. It’s too heavy for my baby” “Wheat isn’t good for me and my baby” “My belly is too big to carry that to my room” etc. Its so funny!
And Joseph is just amazing as always. So sweet to give me massages and lots of extra hugs and encouragement as things are getting uncomfortable.
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