Thursday, August 9, 2018

36 Week Bumpdate

Size of Baby Andrew: About 18.5 inches long and somewhere about 5.5-5.75 pounds

Feeling: So tired and exhausted. I've been packing my days WAY lighter and it still feels like a lot. It's been interesting to feel this shift so much just this last week. I'm now scheduling in naptime each day with zero guilt

Hips and lower back are definitely getting more achy, so I've been stretching and walking and have a chiropractor appointment early next week. 

Nesting: I get bursts of energy and motivation and get a bunch of things done. And then I'll go days with no motivation- like I'm good if nothing else gets completed. 

Fitness: I got to walk so much this past weekend with Joseph. Other than that, with the heat, it's swimming with Evelyn and some squats here and there. 

Sleep: I've been sleeping well. So thankful! 

Best Moment From Last Week: Celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary and Joseph's 29th birthday.

Movement: Plenty of moving around, but definitely not as big of jabs. I think he's getting a bit more crowded!

Cravings:  I've had a big increase in appetite this week. 

Total Weight Gain: 30 lbs

What am I looking forward to this week: We have entered into the weeks that only have last minute plans. I don't have anything scheduled beyond next weekend and taking it just one week at a time. It's kind of fun and crazy to be here at this point!

Milestones:  Another week down and closer to meeting our baby boy! If my placenta previa hadn't resolved (thank you Jesus for that miracle!) this is the week we would be having our c section. It's pretty crazy to think about that. I'm so glad he gets more weeks to cook in there!

Fashion: Which of my 5 tanks tops am I going to wow them with today? lol! 

How is Daddy and Evelyn? Joseph is having a really fun and full birthday week! And I'm glad he didn't get a birthday buddy ;) 

Evelyn is sweet as always. We are swimming up a storm with this unrelenting heat and I'm planning on taking her on a special date just the two of us next week. I can't believe our time of just us is coming to an end. So bittersweet!

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