Is anyone else struck by the 1950's norms of dinner parties? Where did they go and when can we dress up like that again? :)
But in semi- seriousness, after college dorm pizza shares, dinner invitations are scarce. Somewhere after high school and college, after we stop "running into" people on our routes, friendships become very deliberate. It's not a bad thing, it just means we have to be on purpose. What does this look like for me? Well, here are the 6 ways I have been using to purposefully build friendships and invite people into my life.
-Start with Coffee. Scared to have others in your home? Messy house? Crazy schedule? Start just by asking someone to join you for a cup of tea or coffee.
-When having people over, don't fret about every aspect of the house. Clean up the rooms that will be seen. Don't worry about the kids' closets, the master bathroom, etc. If you think they will want a full fledged tour, pick up these areas, but skip the deep clean for your sanity.

-Make it ahead. I try to pick things that I can make ahead of time. Things that work great: soups, salad, casseroles, etc. That way I can be done the night before or earlier that afternoon.
-Set the table. IF you have time and this won't cause you to go into mental chaos, take the 5 minutes to set the table with some color. It's so sweet to know someone thought ahead when inviting you over. Treat it as a creative outlet and enjoy the beauty.
-Plan something fun. Ever panicked that conversation won't be easy? Pick and game to play. Games are always a hit with friends new and old.
-Remember that a comfortable happy hostess is the best kind. No one wants to feel like a bother. If you can settle down and relax with your guests, they will be more relaxed. That's why I emphasize keeping it as easy as possible for you. By cleaning up and cooking ahead of time, I can give my friends the blessing of focus.
Remember, in our disconnected society, true connection and friendship is rare. Cherish it. Invite people into your lives. Invite them to your table.
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