A few days ago, before any of the extra symptoms and fear-fight that came with, Joseph asked me "What do you think the Lord is trying to teach you through all this?"
Woa. Embarrassingly enough, I hadn't asked that yet. Would could he be trying to teach me? And like a light bulb:
I want to be a woman of peace. I want people to be attracted to me because of my calmness in the midst of crazy life, the ability to bring perspective in stressful times.
Before, I have been putting my faith in the strength of my faith, in my ability to muscle through, but to have this kind of steadiness, calmness, consistency, peace, I must put my faith in the unchanging character of God.
And somehow, a midst the craziness, I get it. He is enough. My test came back all very "unremarkable", which has it's sighs of relief. The realization that I paid a doctor a lot of money to draw blood, give me an IV, cover me in sticky jelly, and then tell me I am perfectly "unremarkable" is less frustrating when I remember that I don't want the attention in a hospital setting. Unremarkable to them is a blessing.
And if this nausea doesn't ever go away, I will still trust and believe in my unchanging Lord. I just might need to be reminded not to complain sometimes. ;)