Friday, September 19, 2014

32 Week Bumpdate

Total Weight Gain: 20 lbs
Symptoms: Still rocking the stuffy nose, tiredness, achy back, and perpetual desire to eat :)
Size of the baby:  16.5 inches long and about 3.75 lbs.
Sleep: I've had a couple nights in a row of successful, non-insomnia nights! Woot Woot! So far, here's what's working: a warm bath with a birthing book. Then stretching in front of a fan. The warming then cooling mimics melatonin and seems to really do the trick. 
Best Moment Last Week: Learning to protect my nap time. It's hard for me to allow rest to become part of my routine, but I need it. 
Movement: Evelyn is all over the place. Up high, down low, getting ribs, etc. It's really neat to feel. 

Cravings: Can you crave cold weather? I am so ready for jeans, boots, and shirts with sleeves :)
What I Miss: Feeling interesting. For those who have hung out with me, I really AM trying to talk about things other than Evelyn, the baby room, pregnancy, etc. It's just hard! lol
What am I looking forward to: My first baby shower this weekend! 
Milestones: This article really inspired me: Here. I've really been loving our home tidy and clean. Just taking 20-30 min each day to devote to this keeps it so lovely. Simple life is the best. 

How is Daddy? Incredibly affectionate. And gives the best hugs. 

1 comment:

  1. I think it's normal to want to talk about baby, baby, and more baby. :D I know adoption is most of my world right now.
