Sunday, September 28, 2014

33 Week Bumpdate

Total Weight Gain: 21
Symptoms: One big belly! New this week: rib pain. That's apparently just what happens as baby gets bigger and bigger. Looking for a bright side: it's helping me sit up very straight. 
Size of the baby:  17 inches long and about 4 lbs.
Sleep: . "Stock up on sleep now." "Sleep while you can!" "Take naps now and be thankful you don't have a toddler keeping you awake all day." Uh huh. Funny. You try sleeping with crazy hormone insomnia and a future athlete rolling around in your stomach. This week I am thankful for coffee, a flexible work schedule, and under the eye concealer. 
Best Moment Last Week: . Having my first baby shower! I am so blessed just to have seen so many women from so many areas of my life come together. I love knowing that Baby E is going to grow up with so many different women pouring into her life!
Movement: So much movement it's not even funny. In fact, I'm pretty sure she came head up the other day and then flipped back to head down. But I'm so glad she's a healthy little mover and shaker!

Cravings: Bran muffins (after a couple weeks, I finally gave in and whipped up a batch) and frozen blueberries (Thank you Willamette Valley Fruit for my favorite frozen treat!)
What I Miss: When shopping for myself was more fun than shopping for this tiny human being inside me. Seriously, just let me buy something to make me feel pretty! But instead all I want to do is buy things like this and this
What am I looking forward to: Painting the nursery. Hopefully it will happen this week. 
How is Daddy?  Sleeping soundly (thankfully! So glad I don't wake him throughout the night) and taking care of this mommy to be with lots of hugs and encouraging words. I didn't realize how important words of affirmation would be as I'm growing this person and not feeling as productive/attractive/energetic/etc. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand wanting to buy stuff for a little one! That's me, too! I go shopping and find stuff that I think our daughter would like. :) The clothes you linked are super cute!!
