Friday, September 7, 2012

Recipe Time!

On my health journey, the one thing that's been the most influential is learning how to cook in ways that help my health goals, not sabotage them. Yummy and healthy is so easy now that I know where to begin!

This is one of my favorites that I just had to share! I've become more and more of a mustard fan, so of course, I amp it up just a touch with something a little spicier ;)


  • 1 lb raw, boneless, skinless chicken breast (should yield two 6-oz cooked servings)
  • 6 cups (1 small-medium bunch) fresh broccoli, trimmed and chopped
  • ¼ cup chicken broth
  • 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 2 tsp low-sodium or regular-sodium soy sauce
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic, minced


Remove visible fat from chicken breast. Cut chicken into thin strips. In a bowl, coat chicken with soy sauce; set aside. (For increased flavor, marinate for 30 minutes.) Sauté broccoli, garlic, and 1 tsp olive oil over medium heat until lightly browned. Remove from skillet and cover to keep warm. Add 1 tsp olive oil to skillet. Stir-fry chicken 4-7 minutes or until cooked through. Add chicken broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, then stir in mustard until blended. Return sautéed broccoli to skillet. Mix until heated through, stirring occasionally. Divide between two plates.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lessons from the wakeboard

Labor day weekend was so wonderful. Joseph and I packed up and headed to the lake with my family. There was sun, wind, water, good books, and lots of boating. The last morning Mom and I wanted to get in one last morning run before packing up. 

I watched my mom totally rock her turn. It's not every day you see a mom this cool :) And so, inspired, I got out there ready to tear it up. Usually I'm more than a bit timid out there, but I figured if Mom could do it, I could. So I cut harder and faster, jumped higher, and worked on getting comfortable on my switchfoot. 

(But here's the thing- I'm a nose plugger. I have tried to stop, even after everyone makes fun, but it's automatic.) 

Outside the wake, ready to switch back. BOOM! Edge caught, face plant, and for a split second I see my hand reach up to cover my nose. Yes, I simultaneously face planted and punched myself in the face. (If you want to see the video, check out my facebook and get ready for a chuckle!)

Eyes watering, I couldn't let that be the last run of the season. I went again. Not 30 seconds later, I had another face plant. Mind you, this is not a fall I've taken for a couple years and they leave you with a certain kind of special whip lash that's not for the faint of heart. What could I do? Giving up just didn't feel right. And so, I went again.

Isn't this life? We normally do our life cautiously. We have some fun, but never let ourselves fully try. Always protecting, always careful, staying on the sidelines. But I say "No More!" Not that I'm going to rush into every friendship like we are BFFs and set unrealistic expectations for myself, but I'm done playing cautious, hiding behind my thoughts. I'm ready to live, to cut hard, to jump high and catch a little air.

And you know what? My neck hurts. Bad. But those double whammy face plants are pretty funny today. The run right after them, the one that no one would have expected me to continue on to do, was way better than anything I would have normally done. Are you one more try away from breakthrough in your life? What if you don't stop after that last sting of a fall? What amazing things you are capable of if you will just give it another go! Don't stop now!

And what's the worst that could have happened on the morning wakeboard run? Not the falls. No, those aren't fun, but they aren't worst case. The worst possibility is taking a whole turn without taking a risk, without trying something new, without going for it. 

Life is messy and mistakes happen. You are going to mess up. Don't let your fear of falling keep you from flying. Brush yourself off, get back up, and give it all you've got.

Are you ready to go all in? Where in your life are you holding back?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

You Are What You Speak

If there is one area that I wish I could instantly change about me, it's my self talk. I find myself struggling not to get down on myself about just about everything. Once I let that negative voice in my head to have the power, it's so hard to regain control and I can spiral. Isn't it amazing how the Enemy uses those thoughts to totally throw us off in so many areas of our life. 

You decide it's time to start setting aside more time for devotions? You can't focus on the days of success because the morning you slept in is filling you with guilt. 
You decide it's time to start your journey of health? Every temptation that you succumb to is ridden with guilt and you beat yourself up so much that you feel like a failure instead of viewing it as a journey.

I am done with letting this rule my life. It's time for this to change! I've decided to chose positive declarations to write out and claim as mine to chose life over this death-by-guilt. For me, there is nothing more powerful then to declare, out loud, truths. It's hard, but it's necessary. It realigns me with truth, leaving behind all the garbage this world throws at me.

My assignment for the week: Write out 5 things you have "become" and 5 more things you are still working on, but all in present tense. Even if they aren't totally mastered, speak with authority and IT WILL COME!

Here are some ideas to get you started, but of course word them in a way that makes them powerful for you!
I am healthy.
I am thriving.
I am a daughter/son of the Most High
I can approach the Lord with boldness
I am a great wife/husband.
I am a healthy mom/dad.
I am loving and patient.
I am setting an example in ____ for my family.
I am active and enjoying doing things that involve movement.
I am proactive and have a plan for my health.
I keep myself hydrated with lots of water.
I fuel my body throughout the day to keep my metabolism even
I am treating my body like a temple.
I am creating health to that I can ____ by the new year/next month.
I have perseverance and I am seeing this through.
I am making a lifestyle change that will last.
I am lowering my blood pressure.
I am lengthening my life.
I am smart.
I am learning to cook healthfully.
I am fun to be with and have meaningful relationships.
I am making a change for life.
I am doing this for me.
I feel good about my body.
I am confident.
My identity is in Christ alone.

Speak those things out loud EVERY DAY. You are who you say you are, so no negative self talk this week, (Don't even let it slip to say "Dumb" or anything negative about your thoughts or actions. You are smart) even if things aren't perfect. When those negative thoughts come into your brain, instead think on these declarations. You ARE creating great health in your life!

Want health in your life? Contact me. I would love to walk along side you and help you to achieve your goals.