Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Evelyn's Birth Story

This is the story of Evelyn's arrival, of how I became a mommy.

My belly shot two days before Evelyn's birthday

At 36.5 weeks, my Braxton Hicks contractions started to feel pretty real. Some were fairly uncomfortable, they were timeable, and they came in a wave or "peaked". After going in twice for a false alarm, I was pretty discouraged. (And exhausted since I was too thrilled to go to sleep and miss any of it- ha!) When that happens so early, you start to feel over due when you still have weeks to go. I am so thankful Evelyn came early!

Side story: When we first found out we were pregnant, I told Joseph I really wanted to be early but not too early. "November 5th would be a good day, right?" And to that he joked "Remember, remember the 5th of November?" So we laughed about the Guy Fox Day reference and I still thought it would be a good day.

On November 4th, I got a lot done. Not a frenzied "nesting" but just a productive and restful day. I had freezer meals put away, I did a Costco run, got my hair trimmed, cleaned the house, etc. So when I woke up at 1:30 am on the 5th with really period-like cramps that were just very different from my false starts, I just chuckled. Even if I had a pretty long labor, chances were high I really would meet this little lady on November 5th. From the get go the contractions were 3 minutes apart lasting 45-60 seconds. I tried to go back to sleep, but they were just intense enough that that wasn't going to be an option. So I got up, kept eating little meals and drinking water, watched some shows on Netflix, showered and did my hair while waiting for Joseph to wake up for work. I figured that since it was way too soon to do anything about it, I should just let everyone sleep.

At 5 am, Joseph came into the living room looking confused about why I was awake.
"It's baby day!"
"Are you sure?"
"Sure am" :)
And I was glad he was up because at this point the contractions were getting hard enough that I needed someone. Joseph held my hand through them over the next couple hours while bouncing back and forth between packing our last few things and getting ready himself.
Walking. My hesitation is obvious ;)

Around 7 we went on a walk to help get labor really going. Well, we made it maybe 10 min with practically a contraction at every driveway. This is when I really started to feel my body taking over. I didn't want to be in public, to be seen, especially by the cars driving by who didn't understand. I wanted to be somewhere quiet, protected, and inside. Honestly, this was a hard psychological moment. I was panicked- I couldn't do this. I was making a mistake. I needed to go to the hospital and get that epidural. This is where Joseph's soft words of encouragement pulled me through and set me at ease.

I drew myself a bath and that was one of my favorite parts of the whole labor. I sat in my tub, feeling these contractions come, peak, and fade. I was doing this. I could do this. With every contraction, my mind went to all the hikes Joseph and I had done the summer before- how the last half mile of climbing was the absolute worst. My mind would get complain-ey and question whether or not I could actually get there. And then we would crest, the cool air would hit my face, the mountain herbs would fill my nose, and the alpine lake would shine and glisten to welcome me to the top. I have never been more thankful for Joseph's love of hiking. It was the perfect reminder that even when I doubted myself, the end was just in sight.

During this time, Britney, my amazing friend and doula, and my mom came. We would chat between contractions and laugh and I kept eating little bites and drinking my water and enjoying having my shoulders or feet rubbed. It was so exciting and joyful knowing by the end of this, she was going to be here. My brain really couldn't wrap around that! I was going to meet my daughter today.

The last pictures of this beautifully big belly

After awhile longer, about 11 am, it was time to go in to the Birth Center. I wasn't too excited about the drive or really being seen by people. This just felt so private and I didn't want to be watched by people who didn't know what was happening. The drive. Yes, the drive was terrible. Let's just say it like this: For hours now I had been getting through contractions by closing my eyes and focusing. Curvy roads and traffic were pleasant enough with the contractions, but the car sickness from the eye-closing added a special funness to it all!

We walked into the birth center to be greeted with hugs from my midwives. (Now, this is where my memories start to get really fragmented. You see, I just kept my eyes closed as I was dealing with contractions so most of my memories are almost purely audio.) I asked right away to get into the tub- I longed for that warm water. Since it's best not to get into a relaxing tub too early in labor, they wanted to check my progress first.

Laying on the bed, all of those first time mom worries were going through my head- thinking I was getting close, talking myself down in case I was barely started, and the slight panic that comes when you think about just how long it could actually be before the end. I just kept asking "Tell me its more than a 2." So when Jen told me I was at a 5, I cried big fat tears of joy (which I think were originally taken as panic tears as they started to explain that was much further than half way). 

This is a perfect picture of Joseph's sweet calm and optimism throughout the whole thing. I love that man!

The big bath was drawn for me, and I got in. Between adrenaline making me a touch shakey and hormones, I was still so cold. I remember a towel wet with warm water being put on my shoulders felt so good. During every contraction, Joseph was reaching over to put pressure on my lower back and I held onto somebody's hands, mostly my mom's.

Seriously,  I was so thankful to have her there even though I know how hard it was for her to watch me in pain.

After a few different position changes in the tub (changing positions every 45 min-1 hr helps keep things really moving), it was time to come out to help keep the progress going. I sat on the toilet with my face on the cool tank on the back. The next contraction was a wild one: my water broke (on the toilet, go figure I would be hilariously tidy in labor) and my body started pushing. It was such a strange and strong feeling, like my body was vomiting down, and with the intensity I really wished I could have vomited up too. A few more contractions and I got to go back to the glorious tub.

Frankly, all those ladies who tell their birth story and talk about how the pushing was "fun" or at least better because there was an end goal, well, they lied. For me, that was not the case. And even in this intensity, it was so beautiful to see how present my brain was. I let my body do the work and added about zero effort because it didn't feel good at all. I just kept my focus on humming low and keeping my jaw relaxed. That was all the was in my power to do. I was leaning against Joseph's chest as he helped me keep that birth song low and calm.

Feeling like it was never going to end, I reached down to see if she was even getting close at all. Well, there she was- maybe an inch away from crowning! My inner competitor kicked in when I realized just how soon I could be done. Next contraction: I push with my body. She crowns and all I want to know is if she has hair. Mom's teary voice tells me she does. That helped give me something to focus on. The crowning really was a "ring of fire" and I couldn't run away. I told myself "I only have to birth her head once." During that next contraction, I waited until it peaked, then pushed with all my might.

Evelyn Collette Wright burst forth into the world in one woosh of head, shoulders, body. The midwives unwrapped her cord and put her on my tummy. I was still yelling and so was Evelyn. Her eyes were wide open looking at me and her forehead was all wrinkled up like a little turtle.

And that slippery little babe had the cutest head of dark hair. She was here. Our daughter was here. I kept looking at her, holding her, waiting for it to sink in as reality. It didn't. It took a couple weeks for it to feel real.

Everyone helped me out of the tub and onto the bed to get a few stitches for my tear and to dry off. It was so beautiful to look over at Joseph calming our little crier.

She weighed in at 6 pounds 10 oz and 19 inches long. Perfectly perfect. 

 I lost quite a bit of blood and that made for some extra excitement of passing out a few hours later on my way to what was supposed to be my first shower. A few IVs of fluid, some good food, and a long sleep in bed had me feeling so much better by the morning. It was just amazing to have little Evelyn sleeping on my chest the whole night. Her tiny little body breathing, her sweet little head fitting in my hand, my heart was bursting with love. Over the next couple days, we were pampered with great food, herbal baths, sweet visitors and breastfeeding help. It was so nice to have the extra help as I didn't have a super realistic expectation of just how depleted my body would feel.

Our peaceful room
It was like staying at a bed and breakfast with lots of room service and no agenda except resting and healing and holding our baby. 

Sleep, post-bath snuggles with Daddy

It was sweet to bring home our tiny lady on Friday the 7th on a very cold and bright fall day. And I was definitely surprised to find our apartment perfectly deep cleaned and decorated and roses from my sweet husband.

We made it home :)

3 generations of ladies

Pure happy :)

Our tiny miracle

Praise God for Evelyn's safe arrival and the joy she brings to everyone already!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Letter to my First Trimester Mamas: TiAnna's 9 Pieces of Advice

Congratulations! You've just seen a little pink line (even if it's faint, it DOES count :) ) and ready or not, here you come to parenthood! Here's the deal: you are about to embark on a crazy next couple of months. But don't panic; you're going to make it through with flying colors.

1) Use Pinterest wisely. When you start to feel the pressure creep to have some extravagant (out of your budget) nursery, or start some impossible take-this-same-picture-every-year-till-they-graduate collage that you know you're never going to finish, stop. Take a breath. And close your computer. Our mothers raised us wonderfully without all those ideas. And when they shift from ideas that inspire you to insecurity creators/ comparative judgement, that's when it's time to step back and take a break.

2) Eat what you can, but do it healthfully. You really are going to feel better if you eat often. Shoot for every 2 hours having something of substance. Think hard. Even when you're queasy, usually some sort of protein sounds manageable. Maybe it's an apple and peanut butter, cucumber and cheese, almonds, chicken noodle soup, etc. Find what works for you and don't give up trying. And when all else fails, crackers and ginger ale make the world a better place.

3) Preggy Pops. Buy them from Amazon by the truck load. Seriously.

4) Move as much as you can. I couldn't do my normal workout routine without getting queasy and lightheaded, but when I was outside for a walk, I felt the best I had all day. Again, find something that works for you and just do it.

5) Give yourself GRACE. Some days it's all you can do to sit on the couch, watching Netflix and eating a cheese stick every couple hours. Don't beat yourself up. Your body is doing some seriously hard work creating a person.

6) Buy some flowy tops. Bodies look bloated before they look pregnant, and when you've had your baby in 8 months, you'll be glad you have a few cute flowing options to flatter your figure again. Again, give yourself grace here. You can control your healthy choices, but your body need to grow and gain some weight. This can be emotionally difficult some days and feel like no big deal on others. That is totally normal.

7) Be quick to ask for forgiveness and for help. Between hormone changes and feeling slightly sick all the time, I found myself snapping at Joseph, the one I love the most, the one who is my partner on this grand adventure. But can I tell you what a difference it made to stop myself as soon as I realized what I had said (or how I had said it) and say sorry? These husbands of ours are amazing men. Allow them to hear your heart and share in this exciting time. It's not a time to alienate them in the name of hormones :)

8) If you are waiting to share your exciting news until week 12 or 13, let yourself have a godly woman friend in on the secret. Having someone who has been there and can be a source of encouragement and prayer makes this weird season less isolating. If you aren't waiting to tell the world (I get it! We didn't wait the "appropriate" amount of time either :) ), just make sure those closest to you hear it from your mouth before they read it on Facebook. Trust me, it's way more joyful to get to share this news face to face or voice to voice.

9) Most importantly, spend time in God's word. You are about to embark on the best journey of your life. You are being entrusted to nourish a little person for the next 9 months before you love and parent them forever. What a wonderfully large responsibility!

Evelyn is Here!

Our precious girl has arrived! Today she is one week old and the time together is flying by. Evelyn Collette Wright was born November 5th at 2:59 pm weighing in at 6 lbs 10 oz and 19 inches long. We've been snuggled up in our apartment, enjoying a beautifully slow pace of life this week. Resting and healing and figuring out this nursing and sleeping thing have taken up much more of my life than I could have realized. That whole "sleep when the baby sleeps" thing isn't just nice sounding advice. It's how you survive :) Well that, and all of the incredible help and support we have received. Thank you to all who have sent your messages of love and support, those that have brought meals, and especially to my mom who has been invaluable in helping around the house and holding this beauty while I shower or sleep.

I'm looking forward to writing out the story of her birth soon, but for now, let me tell you she has the most perfect lips, the cutest noises, looong legs, and Joseph's eyelashes (which I prayed for profusely!). Eye color is to be determined.

Evelyn loves:
-Sleeping. Sleeping. Sleeping.
-Making smiles and grimaces in her sleep.
-Drinking milk
-Making dirty diapers
-Snuggling with Daddy
-Napping with Mommy

Sunday, November 2, 2014

38 Week Bumpdate

Total Weight Gain: 28 lbs
38 weeks and still going!

Symptoms:  I'm having a huge aversion. To Halloween. I hate everything about it- lol! I'm basically the Grinch of Halloween (not that I am usually a huge fan, but I just let it pass without much thought). So glad it's finally over! Bring on the best holidays!
-Also, I do Braxton Hicks contractions like a beast. Always present, never leaving, and strengthening my hulk of a uterus. Here's to hoping it makes for an efficient birth!
-And don't forget all the fun stuff like itchy skin, slightly swollen ankles and lower back ache. I can't wait for the time when I completely forget about my lower back's existence again.
-My stretch marks are getting darker and more plentiful, but I count it all as joy. There's a person on the other end of this sacrifice and my body is meant for function as well as beauty. 
-Hilarity. This week, all of these symptoms and changes are hilarious to me. Pardon all my pregnancy humor posts to come- they are just too good!

Size of the baby:  She's get-this-baby-out-now size. 

Sleep:  When I take my herbs, I sleep great, with usually 2-4 bathroom breaks in there.

Best Moment Last Week: This was my last week working my second job. I'm still enjoying Health Coaching from home, but it's nice to start the slowing down process. And it was SO nice to start stocking up some freezer meals. 

Movement: All over. She's head down, but sort of spinning on an axis. I keep thinking she must be circling around, ready to drop into position once she finds a spot she likes. 

Cravings:  I rotate between not really wanting to eat at all and being football player hungry. I'm choosing balance even when it doesn't come so easy :)

What I Miss: Walking like a normal person. You guys, the waddling is real and about impossible to hide. 

What am I looking forward to:  A fairly quiet week of finishing up some projects, putting away a few more meals, cheering on my clients, mentoring the health coaches in my practice, coffee dates, walk dates, and resting.

Milestones: I have learned that my Braxton Hicks contractions (the ones that are warm ups, the "fake ones") don't follow the rules: they speed up with walking, don't stop with resting or water, happen pretty much all the time, and even some of them come in wave-like patterns. Basically, I'm just learning to ignore them and try to go back to the comfortable waiting instead of the daily "today could be the day?!" frenzy. 

How is Daddy?  Evelyn is definitely responding to his voice and touch. It is so sweet to watch her play back when he touches my tummy. It's incredible!

Friday, October 24, 2014

37 Week Bumpdate

She's dropped some more and I can breath easy! 
Total Weight Gain: 26
Symptoms:  Stretch marks. It has happened. But with my tummy so tight and so many contractions every day, it makes sense. I'm really surprised at how un-bothered I am. With all of the changes happening, it feels like not a big deal in exchange for helping create a human. And they are light (please pray that they stay light and my heart stays relaxed about it!)
Size of the baby:  We're taking guesses. 6-7 lbs are the guesses right now. Plus side: apparently my hips could easily handle a 9 pounder!
Sleep:  This week I have had nights of 3 hours of sleep and nights of 10 hours of sleep. So if you see me in town with a tired look, it's probably pretty legitimate ;) 
Best Moment Last Week: Joseph and I finally took some cute pictures together with this belly bump. And I got to spend a whole afternoon with my mom getting my nails done, shopping, and basically playing hooky from life. Hey, there are perks to labor false alarm days ;) 
Movement: Plenty, especially between contractions. Poor things doesn't like getting squished!
And for all of us who thought she dropped last week, this week she has dropped even more! As in, I have like 4 inches of waist!

Cravings:  Great Harvest muffins, soup, milk, cheese. 
What I Miss: 2nd trimester comfort. Seriously. But I wonder if it isn't a blessing that the end isn't the most comfortable part. Birth is looking better and better with each passing day. 
What am I looking forward to:  Heather's baby shower tonight! 
And our birth class this weekend. It will be good to take some time to prepare. 
And hitting the 37 week milestone so that people can stop telling me that it's really better if the baby stays in longer (remember people, I really don't have control over this! lol).
And getting a few last minute projects out of the way before E comes. 
Milestones: I received our baby book in the mail this week! It's been so fun starting to write in it. I'm also looking forward to printing these blog posts to keep inside the cover. 

How is Daddy?  Helping me with my organizational nesting cheerfully all while balancing a big load with work and school and baby on the way. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

36 Week Bumpdate: the 9th month

36 weeks! Some days I feel tiny and some days I feel huge :)
Total Weight Gain: 25 lbs
Symptoms:  So emotional. The things I tear up over make even me laugh (aka ABBA's Dancing Queen coming on the radio. Not. Even. Kidding). Also starting to really notice my body's practice contractions. It's pretty amazing to watch it prepare. 
Size of the baby:  Healthy and ready to meet the world whenever she so chooses!
Sleep:  Taking some herbs and that has really, really helped. 
Best Moment Last Week: Wrote my birth plan. Finished my nursery (pictures below). Washed the littlest clothes and blankets. Boom, boom and boom!
Movement: Hiccups. This week Evelyn has had hiccups a couple times. I used to hear that and not think it sounded that remarkable, but, guys, it is SO precious!! 

Cravings:  I had my first intense one. I woke up from a nap last weekend NEEDING a pancake with peanut butter and strawberry jam on it. Not even sure my eyes were open yet before I stumbled into the kitchen and started making my little buckwheat pancake. :)
What I Miss: Being able to keep my due date clear in my head. Somehow over the last couple weeks it has turned into a "due season" and therefore I answer with things like "Well, anytime between now and Thanksgiving." Why I can't go back to the auto "November 14th" is beyond me.
What am I looking forward to:  Baby shower this Sunday! Oh man, I can't wait! And then I'm throwing a shower for a dear friend on Friday. So much celebrating to come!
Milestones: Hello full term! I've made it to the I-can-safely-birth-at-the-birthing-center milestone and that feels great. 

How is Daddy?   Handing out loads and loads of hugs when I get weepy and exhausted. I'm so thankful he encourages me to slow down. 

And here are some pictures of the nursery! 

I've been dreaming up this room since before we even found out we were having a girl. I did the majority of it over the last couple weeks, while my mom was out of town (half to surprise her, half to see if I could do it on my own- we always decorate together), and love how it all came together. 

This is super budget-friendly nursery- free crib (Thank you Montague's!), childhood bookcase and dresser, gifted bedding, 1 gallon of paint to take the walls from white to warm, stenciled E with a borrowed projector (because vinyls are not very reasonable), Draping wall using fabric from our wedding, black button wall- 1 yard of fabric for coverage, Chandelier using beads from our wedding and a broken lamp shade for the ring base, foam board valance with 1 yard of fabric, and spray painted lamp with a shade covered in old lace. 

Besides the valance and button fabric and some paint, I pretty much just bought the baskets in the bookcase. Bonus: they were on sale! Most of the decor I already had and all the colorful blankets are so decorative stacked up. 

I'm particularly in love with this striped valance. (Tutorial
It takes me back to our Europe trip.

These buttons are actually bar stool samples I saved when my parents closed their store 6 years ago. I thought they could be fun in a nursery some day.
 And I was definitely right :) 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

35 Week Bumpdate

Total Weight Gain: 23.5 lbs
Symptoms:  Did you know nausea can come back in the third trimester? That's fun. Just tack it on to the tiredness. All of that combined with the heat that still sticking around in OR is definitely making me very ready to get this baby out. 
Size of the baby:  The size charts are really starting to vary at this point. 18 inches and 4.5 lbs is the average. But from this week on out, nothing is really accurate (since babies are born between 17&22 inches long and 6-10 lbs..) Basically, she's good sized and can come out almost at any time :)
35 Weeks big! 
Sleep: Almost non existent. 6 hours a night is a good night. 5, not bad. 4 is where we really get teary. Pushing through. Choosing joy. Looking forward to this part of this season being done. 
Best Moment Last Week: Going to Bauman Farms with Joseph. It was so fun to go on this date I have been looking forward to since the spring. Only funny thing was I had always pictured it in sweaters and boots. Instead, we were sweating it out in T shirts and shorts. Rolling with the season! 
Movement: Evelyn's little kicks are getting higher! I can't believe how much she has grown

Cravings:  Quiche. Green smoothies. Pumpkin treats (but isn't everyone thinking of those in October?). Milk.
What I Miss: Being able to fall asleep on my own before 2 am. 
What am I looking forward to:  Finishing the major nursery projects this weekend! Look for pictures in the near future :)
Milestones: Realizing that every time someone reminds me to enjoy where I'm at, it's okay. It doesn't mean I was spilling discontent. And also I think I've realized with going from a couple to parents, you just can't know what you're going to miss until it's really changed. And that's okay too. Grace covers. I am enjoying these moments and so excited for the next ones too. 

How is Daddy?  Helping me get our little home ready. We got the balcony cleared! (check off my nesting list). We're almost all moved in/organized, and that feels fantastic

Friday, October 3, 2014

34 Week Bumpdate

Pardon the bathroom selfie. Done is better than perfect :)
Total Weight Gain: 23 lbs
Symptoms:  Insomnia still rolls on. And the naps still roll on. And the lower back pain is getting combated by yoga. Okay, that's a little whiney. Mostly, when I've had some decent sleep the night before, things are lovely. It's harder to remember that when I'm sleep deprived. 
Size of the baby:  The size charts are really starting to vary at this point. 18 inches and 4.5 lbs
Sleep: Less solid, that's for sure. It's harder to get comfy and I get woken out of a deep sleep by this little mover. I guess this is getting ready for a newborn kind of schedule. But keeping up with my bedtime routine of a bath and then stretching, even when I think I'm tired enough not to need it, is mostly resolving the crazy-late nights. 
Best Moment Last Week: Painting Evelyn's room. And having lots of people over for tea dates or dinner. It's been a blessing enjoying all the friends and family that are so close! 
Movement: Better question: When is she NOT moving? 

Cravings: Pizza. This week it feels like the healthy cravings are all gone and what I really want is just pizza for every meal. lol. Thankful my life isn't ruled by my cravings! 
What I Miss: Sleep. Are you sensing a pattern this week? ;)
What am I looking forward to:  Getting this nursery finished. The goal is by the end of next weekend! 
Milestones: I've hit that glorious "nesting" phase. I'm actually enjoying and looking forward to all the little projects I want to finish before Evelyn's arrival. I was starting to get nervous it was going to feel like a list of chores until the very end, but I'm feeling inspired and oddly energized by it all. 

How is Daddy?  Joseph started classes this week for his apprenticeship! He's rockin this balance thing and helping so much in finishing up our home organization. Almost everything has a place now :)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

33 Week Bumpdate

Total Weight Gain: 21
Symptoms: One big belly! New this week: rib pain. That's apparently just what happens as baby gets bigger and bigger. Looking for a bright side: it's helping me sit up very straight. 
Size of the baby:  17 inches long and about 4 lbs.
Sleep: . "Stock up on sleep now." "Sleep while you can!" "Take naps now and be thankful you don't have a toddler keeping you awake all day." Uh huh. Funny. You try sleeping with crazy hormone insomnia and a future athlete rolling around in your stomach. This week I am thankful for coffee, a flexible work schedule, and under the eye concealer. 
Best Moment Last Week: . Having my first baby shower! I am so blessed just to have seen so many women from so many areas of my life come together. I love knowing that Baby E is going to grow up with so many different women pouring into her life!
Movement: So much movement it's not even funny. In fact, I'm pretty sure she came head up the other day and then flipped back to head down. But I'm so glad she's a healthy little mover and shaker!

Cravings: Bran muffins (after a couple weeks, I finally gave in and whipped up a batch) and frozen blueberries (Thank you Willamette Valley Fruit for my favorite frozen treat!)
What I Miss: When shopping for myself was more fun than shopping for this tiny human being inside me. Seriously, just let me buy something to make me feel pretty! But instead all I want to do is buy things like this and this
What am I looking forward to: Painting the nursery. Hopefully it will happen this week. 
How is Daddy?  Sleeping soundly (thankfully! So glad I don't wake him throughout the night) and taking care of this mommy to be with lots of hugs and encouraging words. I didn't realize how important words of affirmation would be as I'm growing this person and not feeling as productive/attractive/energetic/etc.