Sunday, September 28, 2014

33 Week Bumpdate

Total Weight Gain: 21
Symptoms: One big belly! New this week: rib pain. That's apparently just what happens as baby gets bigger and bigger. Looking for a bright side: it's helping me sit up very straight. 
Size of the baby:  17 inches long and about 4 lbs.
Sleep: . "Stock up on sleep now." "Sleep while you can!" "Take naps now and be thankful you don't have a toddler keeping you awake all day." Uh huh. Funny. You try sleeping with crazy hormone insomnia and a future athlete rolling around in your stomach. This week I am thankful for coffee, a flexible work schedule, and under the eye concealer. 
Best Moment Last Week: . Having my first baby shower! I am so blessed just to have seen so many women from so many areas of my life come together. I love knowing that Baby E is going to grow up with so many different women pouring into her life!
Movement: So much movement it's not even funny. In fact, I'm pretty sure she came head up the other day and then flipped back to head down. But I'm so glad she's a healthy little mover and shaker!

Cravings: Bran muffins (after a couple weeks, I finally gave in and whipped up a batch) and frozen blueberries (Thank you Willamette Valley Fruit for my favorite frozen treat!)
What I Miss: When shopping for myself was more fun than shopping for this tiny human being inside me. Seriously, just let me buy something to make me feel pretty! But instead all I want to do is buy things like this and this
What am I looking forward to: Painting the nursery. Hopefully it will happen this week. 
How is Daddy?  Sleeping soundly (thankfully! So glad I don't wake him throughout the night) and taking care of this mommy to be with lots of hugs and encouraging words. I didn't realize how important words of affirmation would be as I'm growing this person and not feeling as productive/attractive/energetic/etc. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

32 Week Bumpdate

Total Weight Gain: 20 lbs
Symptoms: Still rocking the stuffy nose, tiredness, achy back, and perpetual desire to eat :)
Size of the baby:  16.5 inches long and about 3.75 lbs.
Sleep: I've had a couple nights in a row of successful, non-insomnia nights! Woot Woot! So far, here's what's working: a warm bath with a birthing book. Then stretching in front of a fan. The warming then cooling mimics melatonin and seems to really do the trick. 
Best Moment Last Week: Learning to protect my nap time. It's hard for me to allow rest to become part of my routine, but I need it. 
Movement: Evelyn is all over the place. Up high, down low, getting ribs, etc. It's really neat to feel. 

Cravings: Can you crave cold weather? I am so ready for jeans, boots, and shirts with sleeves :)
What I Miss: Feeling interesting. For those who have hung out with me, I really AM trying to talk about things other than Evelyn, the baby room, pregnancy, etc. It's just hard! lol
What am I looking forward to: My first baby shower this weekend! 
Milestones: This article really inspired me: Here. I've really been loving our home tidy and clean. Just taking 20-30 min each day to devote to this keeps it so lovely. Simple life is the best. 

How is Daddy? Incredibly affectionate. And gives the best hugs. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

31 Week Bumpdate

31 weeks +4 days: Getting rounder and bigger
Total Weight Gain: 19 lbs
Symptoms: Tighter back this week. Pretty tired too. 
Size of the baby:  16 inches long and about 3.3 lbs.
Sleep: I've hit a phase of insomnia and uncomfortableness. I basically take a series of naps every night. I've had a couple solid nights here and there, but I'm looking forward to some longer nights, hopefully, soon!
Best Moment Last Week: We started setting up Evelyn's room! It's a long way from finished and already so cute!
Movement: Oodles! This week in church she moved so much I almost started laughing out loud! 

Cravings: Nothing too particular this week. 
What I Miss: Correctly judging my size when sliding behind someone's chair..
What am I looking forward to: Tonight Joseph is coming with me to my appointment! I can't wait to introduce him to everyone at Bella Vie. 
Milestones: I think I can officially let the extra concern/advice/warnings roll off my back with a smile now. It's a learning curve, for sure, but after so much from so many people, you just have to laugh. (I know it's all out of love an concern, so that helps too.) 

How is Daddy? Sweetly sacrificing extra space to my sprawling sleep needs :)

Friday, September 5, 2014

30 Week Bumpdate

Last week..
29 Weeks and hiking the trail
This week...
30 weeks

Total Weight Gain: I vow to get some scale batteries THIS week. Grace covers this busy time :) But from what my midwife appointment mid-day weigh said this week, it looks like I'm gaining about the same pound a week. 
Symptoms: Nothing too crazy- Still have my stuffy nose every morning and a little acid reflux in the evenings. Over all, very thankful for how comfortable I am. 
Size of the baby:  15.5 inches and about 3 pounds
Sleep: Sleeping is getting a little more uncomfortable. This may be the week I break down and borrow a body pillow :) 
Best Moment Last Week: Going backpacking with my whole family! It was so fun to unplug and get away together. 
Movement: Little Miss E is very active in the morning and at night before I fall asleep. She actually wakes me up in the morning!

Cravings: This past week has been more suggestion-based cravings. I see over-ripe bananas, and I can only think of banana bread. Someone mentions apple season, and warm applesauce sounds like THE best. Currently thinking about applesauce again.. Keeping the food choices very balanced and healthy so this baby grows strong and I don't just grow extra wide ;) 
What I Miss: My waist. It's pretty much gone now. And I forget just how pregnant I look until I look at myself sideways in a mirror- Surprise!!
What am I looking forward to: Joseph DOESN'T work tomorrow! It's our first Saturday together in far too long. 
Milestones: God is doing such a cool work in my heart. I've always admired mamas' toughness. They just get stuff done without complaining in a way I hoped, but doubted, would ever come naturally. And yet somehow over the last couple of months, I have found myself complaining less (in my head as well as my words). Hottest summer in 100 years? Somehow this heat-wimp is taking that in stride. Moving while pregnant? Slow, but do-able. Backpacking trip 29 weeks pregnant? Not the most comfortable thing I've ever done, but not half bad either. Maybe it's my brain shifting from the expectation of getting taken care of to preparing to be the one taking care of. And I'm so thankful for this change! 

How is Daddy? Incredible. After a couple miles, he carried my pack on our hike like the stud he is. I'm amazed at how well he is taking care of his girls :)