Thursday, August 9, 2018

36 Week Bumpdate

Size of Baby Andrew: About 18.5 inches long and somewhere about 5.5-5.75 pounds

Feeling: So tired and exhausted. I've been packing my days WAY lighter and it still feels like a lot. It's been interesting to feel this shift so much just this last week. I'm now scheduling in naptime each day with zero guilt

Hips and lower back are definitely getting more achy, so I've been stretching and walking and have a chiropractor appointment early next week. 

Nesting: I get bursts of energy and motivation and get a bunch of things done. And then I'll go days with no motivation- like I'm good if nothing else gets completed. 

Fitness: I got to walk so much this past weekend with Joseph. Other than that, with the heat, it's swimming with Evelyn and some squats here and there. 

Sleep: I've been sleeping well. So thankful! 

Best Moment From Last Week: Celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary and Joseph's 29th birthday.

Movement: Plenty of moving around, but definitely not as big of jabs. I think he's getting a bit more crowded!

Cravings:  I've had a big increase in appetite this week. 

Total Weight Gain: 30 lbs

What am I looking forward to this week: We have entered into the weeks that only have last minute plans. I don't have anything scheduled beyond next weekend and taking it just one week at a time. It's kind of fun and crazy to be here at this point!

Milestones:  Another week down and closer to meeting our baby boy! If my placenta previa hadn't resolved (thank you Jesus for that miracle!) this is the week we would be having our c section. It's pretty crazy to think about that. I'm so glad he gets more weeks to cook in there!

Fashion: Which of my 5 tanks tops am I going to wow them with today? lol! 

How is Daddy and Evelyn? Joseph is having a really fun and full birthday week! And I'm glad he didn't get a birthday buddy ;) 

Evelyn is sweet as always. We are swimming up a storm with this unrelenting heat and I'm planning on taking her on a special date just the two of us next week. I can't believe our time of just us is coming to an end. So bittersweet!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

35 Week Bumpdate

Size of Baby Andrew: About 5 1/4 lbs and 18 inches long or so

Feeling: My hips are definitely making room for baby. I’m popping a lot as I walk and move. 

Andrew feels super low. I remember Evelyn dropping about this time, but Andrew has never felt anything but dropped lol! 

Heartburn, restless legs, and insomnia have been really minimal this week. Hooray for almost a full week of decent sleep!!

A bit more emotional this week. And also very tired. I can feel my daily capacity really going down! 

Fitness: There really isn’t much to report here. It’s been harder to walk in the evenings with the heat and more contractions. But I have been doing squats while I brush my teeth so I’m getting in about 30 in the morning and 30 in the evening. It’s not much but it’s something! 

Sleep: 6 out of the last 7 nights have held good restorative sleep. I could cry from the joy of it! 

Best Moment From Last Week: Going to Loon Lake with Joe, Evelyn, my parents and my grandpa and his wife. It was about 10 degrees cooler than at home (Salem was in the upper 90s. Woof), so many fun memories, time on the boat, swimming, relaxing, playing games, and watching Evelyn have the best time ever. We had originally planned to do something like Great Wolf Lodge but a few weeks ago changed to doing this and I'm so glad. 

Movement: Plenty. I will be so interested to see who this little guy is and if his near-constant wiggles are much of a personality indicator :) 

Cravings:  Cravings I'm not giving into: Scones, Brownies, Blizzards. Cravings I am enjoying and embracing: Ice water (how is it SO heavenly?!), watermelon, 

Total Weight Gain: 27 lbs

What am I looking forward to this week: Joe and I are getting away for the weekend up to Portland for our anniversary. I’m looking forward to a couple days of no schedule and some adventuring with my sweetheart. 

Milestones:  Moving to weekly appointments- how does time move so quickly?! 

Fashion: I’m growing out of shirts. Some of my Maternity things are now too short! Lol

How is Daddy and Evelyn? Evelyn is swimming so so much and it’s fun to watch how brave she is getting. And I’m thankful for a cool place for Evelyn to get her wiggles out! 
Joseph is a constant source of encouragement- speaking life and truth on the hard days, giving out extra hugs and reassurance on the teary days, and massages to help my aching muscles. He is seriously the best! 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

34 Week Bumpdate

Me and my fellow pregnant mama ;) 
Size of Baby Andrew: Somewhere near 4 and 3/4 pounds and 18 inches long. So close to birthing size these days!

Feeling: -Honestly, and this has been true basically since I stopped being nauseated, I keep forgetting I'm pregnant. People will ask me how far along I am or when I'm due and I first think "What are they talking about?" lol!
-Physically I still feel pretty comfortable. I waddle a little when I walk, but I suppose that's not the worst thing! 
-Nesting! I love the little push this gives you to accomplish little projects or cleaning or organizing. It feels great! 

Fitness: It has been blazing hot so evening walks have been more sporadic. But I've stayed decently active running errands, cleaning the house, and swimming with Evelyn. It’s nice with my Fitbit knowing that I’ve gotten enough steps in or if I need to take some focused walking time. 

Sleep: So much insomnia. It has been rough. When I was pregnant with Evelyn, this part was the worst. Think weeks of hardly any sleep and crumpling into a puddle of tears kind of rough. It hasn't been as many days in a row, but it is still so so hard. I've had a few good nights of sleep this week (including last night! Hooray!) so I am still a functioning human with a happy heart. 
Side note: when someone who is pregnant mentions they aren't sleeping well (and it's more than a single night), please don't tell them it's good practice for a newborn or that they will be getting even less sleep in a few weeks.... That is terrifying to hear. And I wonder if my entry into motherhood was so rough because of how depleted I was to begin with? Encourage them to talk to their provider and find some solutions. And nap. ALLLLL the naps!

Best Moment From Last Week: Joe and I took Evelyn to a Volcanoes baseball game and it was a blast. Knocked another thing off our summer bucket list and made a great memory. 

Movement: I’m feeling Andrew stretch long where I feel him at the top and bottom at th same time! That’s pretty cool. 

Cravings:  Panda Puff cereal. It's an organic corn cereal that's peanut butter, not too much sugar, and heavenly! And the craving is strong lol

Total Weight Gain: 25 lbs. 

What am I looking forward to this week: Heading to the lake for the weekend with my parents! It's going to be a blast soaking in some sun and water before baby is here!

Milestones:  I'm pretty sure I got Andrew in the head down position this week! Whoop whoop! He was transverse at my last appointment so I went to and have been doing some of their exercises to help encourage him to rotate.

Fashion: Did I mention it’s been HOT? So it’s been a lot of swimsuit, shorts, tanks, and ponytails while Evelyn and I go to the pool all the time!

How is Daddy and Evelyn? We’ve had such a fun week of being together. We’ve gotten such great quality time with Joe since he’s not working overtime at the moment (usually this is a big push time for his work and overtime in July and August is pretty typical). And Evelyn has been a big helper with all Mom’s little nesting projects. 

Friday, July 20, 2018

32 & 33 Week Bumpdate

Size of Baby Andrew: My app says he's between 17&19 inches long and between 4&6 pounds! 

Feeling: -All the nesting kicking in. 33 weeks sounds really close in our timeline world and I think some projects are about to get kicked into overdrive really soon here! 
-Also very tired this week. I find myself able to get much less done each day. That aspect of slowing down is hard for me, but I'm trying to honor my body and give myself grace (and also get the most important things done early in the day when I have a little more pep!)
-Oh and the heartburn is kicking up a notch the last couple days. Not so fun, but finding ways to manage.

Fitness: Walking, swimming in the pool with Evelyn, and staying generally active. It's hard to want to workout for real when it's SO hot.

Sleep: This week has been harder. It seems like either I'm having a tough night sleeping or Evelyn is... looking forward to getting a couple solid nights in a row soon!

Best Moment From These Last Weeks: Getting to spend sweet time with Joseph's side of the family at the coast was so wonderful. The weather was great and Evelyn LOVED frolicking in the sand and water. 

Movement: I felt Andrew have hiccups two nights ago for the first time! It was precious.

Cravings:  Fruit. Cheese and crackers (this I've been really keeping in moderation). Oh and ice water tastes SO SO good to me.

Total Weight Gain: About 23 lbs

What am I looking forward to this week: A slower pace. The last couple weeks have been extremely full with travel and lots on the schedule. This next week is really nice and simple, and I'm going to be keeping it that way!

Milestones:  I wrote out my birth notes for our nurses and my list for packing our "go bag" next week. It's getting very real!

Fashion: I bought some yoga shorts (in the picture above) and am in love with them. With carrying so low, I've outgrown all my running shorts and I desperately needed something comfy. These are amazing!

How is Daddy and Evelyn? Evelyn asked if she could pick out a stuffed animal for her brother. Um yes! Melt my little heart.

Joe got back from a trip on Sunday and told me how excited he was to be done with the majority of our summer traveling so we could get ready for BABY! We'll be knocking out a few projects and getting a little car maintenance done in the next couple weeks.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

31 Week Bumpdate

 Size of Baby Andrew: About 16 inches long and approx 3 and 1/3 pounds!

Feeling: Good! This week my sense of smell has gotten very strong again. And I've had a few hot flashes (I think? I just started sweating all of a sudden). 
-Heartburn has been minimal- I'm so thankful for that! I found that for me having coffee in the morning, even decaf, gave me heartburn throughout the day. So even though I miss that taste, I'm holding out. So not worth it!
-SO many contractions. I know my body is just getting ready, but whew! Sometimes they even wake me up in the night. 

Fitness: Walk walk walking! Also I've done some upper body weight work a couple times, which makes me feel pretty proud. I don't think I'll be adding in too much more until Andrew comes, but I'm staying as consistent as I can.

Sleep: Sleep has been pretty decent. The nights have been more interrupted with Joe and Evelyn being sick this last week, but I feel pretty rested most mornings. 

Best Moment From Last Week: Helping our best friends move into the house they just bought was so fun! We stayed up suuuuper late and it was a blast. Also Evelyn and I spent a dreamy afternoon on my parent's sail boat last weekend and Andrew kicked and moved for both of my parents.

Movement: So much! I love this little mover. He's been getting more and more outgoing with moving for other people which is so fun.

Cravings:  Cravings I'm choosing to not give into: chocolate, doughnuts. Cravings I'm embracing: Lacroix, peaches, Earl Grey tea

Total Weight Gain: About 21 pounds

What am I looking forward to this week: We are headed off tomorrow to spend 4 days on the coast with Joseph's side of the family. I'm really excited to unplug, play in the sand with Evelyn, spend some fun quality time with my family, and lots of laughing and game time.

Milestones:  My birthing bag list has been made and I coordinated who will be watching Evelyn when I'm in labor. It feels good to have those sorted out! I'll probably pack our actual bags in a few weeks... just in case

Fashion: It's getting hot!! Shorts and skirts are where it's at

How is Daddy and Evelyn? They are both doing much better, but they have been off and on sick this week with fevers (low grade, but still). So glad that everyone is on the other side now and that I didn't catch it- this part is kind of amazing to me. 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

29 Week Bumpdate

Size of Baby Andrew: About 16 inches tall and just under 3 or so pounds. 

Feeling: So good! This week I've felt awesome. The ouchie symptoms have been way way down and I have been so much more comfortable this week! 

Fitness: I've been trying! I did some push ups (it was hilarious to feel just how atrophied my muscles are), squats and lunges, and doing stairs. 

Sleep: I've been more tired this week for sure. Trying to carve out more hours for sleep and also giving myself more grace (and coffee- haven't had much in the last 2 years!)

Best Moment From Last Week: Having my baby shower. It was so magical to get to spend the evening with so many of my favorite ladies and get to celebrate Andrew coming! And putting away and sorting all the clothes and gifts into the nursery was such a joy. We are almost ready for you, little guy!

Movement: So wiggly! He is most consistently active while I'm reading in bed before I go to sleep each night, but lots of cute little wiggles all day. 

Cravings:  Oh man- I made this Pad Thai with spaghetti squash this week and I cannot stop thinking about it! It was AMAZING! So we will be having it weekly from here on out :)

Total Weight Gain: 19-20 pounds. Staying really focused on eating healthy the last few weeks but this little guy keeps growing for sure! 

What am I looking forward to this week: We are having a home weekend this coming weekend. No outside plans, chill expectations, and I can't wait! We've had a few really busy weeks in a row and need the rest time. 

Milestones:  Glucose test is done! 

Fashion: I think this is going to be a summer of tank tops and pony tails. 

How is Daddy and Evelyn? We have had a really hard and challenging week of parenting Evelyn. But it brought to light some changes Joe and I needed to make and it has brought big changes in Evelyn's obedience and her heart. So we count that as a huge win! 

Friday, June 15, 2018

28 Weeks: Welcome to the Third Trimester!

I don't realize how far forward Andrew is until I stop and take these pictures- lol!

Size of Baby Andrew: At our ultrasound the tech said he looked about 2.25 pounds- Right on track!

Best Moment From Last Week:
 Getting to see my sweet boy on Wednesday. He is so cute!! I got to bring my mom and it was so special to get to share that with her. 

And then this morning I got the call from my doctor's office that my placenta previa has FULLY RESOLVED so all limitations are gone!! I can travel, exercise, pick up Evelyn, have a vaginal birth, the whole deal!

Feeling: Heartburn is way down, and achy hips are way down too! Siatic pain is sporadic but intense. I'm so glad we are officially on the homestretch. 

Fitness: Well... I just got cleared for all exercise again! I don't know yet what I'm going to feel up to doing, but I'm excited this week to give some things a try!

Sleep: The last week to ten days have been rough. Between colds, achy legs and Evelyn waking up more than normal, I have been zonked. BUT Evelyn and I slept hard through the night last night. I woke up happy and rested and it has me in the absolute best mood ever!

Movement: All over all the time! He is seriously a mover and shaker

Cravings:  Cheddar cheese and almond flour crackers. It's really hitting the spot!

What am I looking forward to this week: Baby shower! With some of the complications, we decided to have it pretty early and I'm so excited to get to celebrate sweet Andrew tonight! This boy is so loved and has been prayed for for years. He's such a miracle!

Milestones:  Officially 3rd trimester- YES! Home stretch for sure now
I have lost my feet!

Fashion: I've been pretty casual but I'm trying to remember to wear all my cute stuff too. Only a couple months to wear those pretty dresses. So I will be a no-ashamed church outfit repeater this summer!

How is Daddy and Evelyn? 
Evelyn has twins growing in her tummy named "Treehouse" and "Treehouse". It's hilarious!

I am so thankful for Joseph's hands to massage out my legs when they ache, his arms to give me lots of hugs when I'm teary-eyed or overwhelmed, and his hard working self. He is putting in some serious hours right now so that we can have a little more time (and less to no overtime) once Andrew is here. 

Thursday, June 7, 2018

27 Week Bumpdate

I love a good hair day!

Size of Baby Andrew: About 2 pounds and 14 1/2 inches tall and he is opening and closing his eyes now! 

Feeling: Thankful. Honestly I am so thankful to be carrying this sweet boy, and it is also really hard. Physically, I'm working through the siatic pain that comes and goes, restless legs at night, and lots of contractions these days. Fighting a cold-type thing too so I'm super tired today, but even so: so thankful and so joyful. 

Fitness: Windy evening walks are my happy place

Sleep: Sleep is mostly going good. I struggle with insomia really bad during pregnancy so I take Unisom and it has been an absolute game changer. 

Best Moment From Last Week: It's been a really simple week over here. Nothing crazy, but I did make a solid plan for some meals and snacks and things to make over the coming weeks and freeze. I froze quite a few things with Evelyn and it helped so much. I know we will have help, especially at first, but I'm looking forward to having a good back stock of things for the especially tricky days during those first couple months of getting our new rhythm. 

Movement: In the bath yesterday, I watched as my stomach actually was moving from Andrew moving in there. I don't remember that happening much (and definitely not this early) with Evelyn!

Cravings:  Soups and smoothies.

Total Weight Gain: 16 lbs

What am I looking forward to this week: Ultrasound in 1 week! Can’t wait to see my boy again 😍 And we are having a birthday party for my niece's first birthday this weekend. It will be so fun to have a big family party!

Milestones:  Last week of second trimester! It has felt incredibly quick since I felt so sick so far into it, but I’m glad to be on the home stretch of seeing our boy soon!

Fashion: I know I've talked about hair a bit already, but I love how easy my second and third day hair is! It's fun to feel cute with such a quick getting ready time.

How is Daddy and Evelyn? 
Evelyn learned how to ride her bike this week. She LOVES it so much! It melts my heart to see her wild joy for something

Joseph has been so so helpful with massage to help me sleep in comfort. Thank you Sweetheart!!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

26 Week Bumpdate

I feel like I’ve really popped the last couple weeks! It’s cracking me up lol 😆 

Size of Baby Andrew: About 14 inches long and a pound and 2/3 😊

Feeling: Heartburn has gone way down this week (so thankful) but the siatic nerve pain is new and so INTENSE. I’m doing what I can with lots of foam rolling and stretching and walking, but this is something I will be thrilled to see go away once we are on the other side of birth. 

Fitness: It seems like the more that I move, the less the siatic pain is, so I’m moving! Doing yard work, cleaning the house, and taking walks -either with Evelyn or by myself after she goes to bed for the night. These evening walks by myself are becoming my absolute favorite. It’s so good to decompress and pray and enjoy the almost-summer evenings!

Sleep: I bought a pregnancy wedge (Toys R Us clearance- score!) and it has been really comfortable to help relieve a little pressure from my growing tummy when side sleeping. 

Best Moment From Last Week: Memorial Day weekend was so fun! We got to celebrate my Grandpa’s 80th birthday in a big way and my brother Caleb and his wife Brittany were in town from Iowa. It was such great quality time with everyone. Plus we got a lot of things done around our house on Monday. 

Movement: So much movement! It’s amazing- very different from Evelyn. And either I’ve really started feeling his booty or (way more probable since I though the same thing with Ev until told otherwise), we’ve starting having good practice contractions/Braxton Hicks.
Cravings:  Holy cow- I know this is a pregnancy craving because I haven’t thought about this food in about a decade, but Manicotti. It hit me a few nights ago and sounds so good! Plus side to being gluten free, things like this are harder to give into! Staying the course and thankful that it takes some extra effort to make things like this happen (which usually means I can say no by the time it comes around again)

Total Weight Gain: I forgot to check today and instead of waiting until tomorrow when I remember (and that possibly going on for a few days), I’m just going to rain check this one until next week. 

What am I looking forward to this week: We have a pretty simple week ahead of us. So I'm looking forward to picking some strawberries with Evelyn and my mom and then knocking a few more tasks off of my nesting list. 

Milestones:  Every week as we get closer to 28 weeks my heart feels lighter, knowing that viability keeps getting better and better! These are things I never really thought about when I was pregnant with Evelyn but between the Downs diagnosis and the placenta previa diagnosis, every week of not bleeding is a huge blessing! 

Fashion: I got my hair trimmed up this week and it feels so fresh and cute! 

How is Daddy and Evelyn? Joe is cranking out some major things off of our list of to-dos before baby comes! It’s so fun to accomplish each of these things (cleaning out a closet, or organizing the laundry cupboard, organizing the garage and sorting the backpacking gear, etc) So thankful to be getting these things done together! 

And Evelyn and I are having a really fun time soaking each other up. She finished a month of swimming lessons this week and we are ready for pool time this summer! It has been so fun to watch her become more and more brave in the water. I have my gym membership for 2 more months, so any afternoon that it's warm, you'll find us swimming!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

25 Week Bumpdate

Size of Baby Andrew: About 13.5 inches and a pound and a half

Feeling: So much better! I went to see my chiropractor Thursday and my body doesn’t ache nearly the same way! 

Fitness: I’ve been slacking on getting my walking in, so I’m refocusing on that this week 😊

Sleep: I have been doing better about getting off screens earlier in the evening to help get me settled into sleep sooner. So far so good! 

Best Moment From Last Week: We hosted a graduation party in our backyard for Joe and it was so fun. It was how I always pictured our home- full of all the people we love, relaxed and easy. After our massive backyard project last year, it was so nice to just do a small bit of spring freshen up for it to look great! 

Movement: All over, all the time. I LOVE it. 

Cravings:  I think I’ve been doing a good job of keeping this in check. Things that are extra delicious are still fruit and cold smoothies or popsicles. 

Total Weight Gain: Still 13 lbs 

What am I looking forward to this week: Hello 3 day weekend! We have quite a few smaller things planned and all are going to be so fun! 

Milestones:  I had another OB appointment this week. Starting at my next appointment, I’ll start going on every other week! 

Fashion: I love that my "pregnancy hair" has come in these last weeks. It's amazing how it looks good without needing to wash it as often!

How is Daddy and Evelyn? Evelyn has realized that baby Andrew isn't wearing any clothes in my tummy. She thinks it is so silly that he is naked in there! lol!

And Joe is just incredible. I can't wait for him to get to hold our little guy.