Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hot Chocolate Hike

This past weekend we had plans up the wazoo. And then about half of them got canceled, leaving us with a full but peaceful two days.

Saturday afternoon, in the rain (got to love the Northwest!) we went for a walk in a new park. And of course, a thermos of homemade hot chocolate to keep us warm.

The steam was incredible. It traveled so far and hung so long!

Our 12 Dates of Christmas Check-List
1: Pumpkin Party
2: Cinnamon Ornament Making
3: Pick our Tree
3: Decorate the Tree
4: Snowflake Lane 
5: Hot Chocolate Hike
6: Explore Leavenworth for the day 
7: Drive around looking at Christmas lights
8: Face the crowds and go window shopping
9: Stay in and bake some Holiday goodies
10: Walk around the Bellevue Botanical Garden 
11: Pick out our 2012 ornament
12: Christmas Movie Night

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Habits of Health: Breakfast

I love getting to create and share healthy recipes with you all. In this past year, my health journey has challenged a lot of my beliefs on what healthy looks like at each meal. My portions are different, and it makes all the difference.

My hardest meal time to deal with is still breakfast. The most importatnt meal of the day? For sure! But usually I'm rushed and all the easy choices are so full of carbs and sugars.

Here's some ideas I've been using for well balanced breakfasts:

1.       1 cup of cereal from this list:
Shredded Wheat Original
Multigrain Cheerios
All Bran
Fiber One Original
Grape Nuts Flakes
Raisin Bran
Kashi Go Lean Crunch

With one cup of skim milk and ½ cup of blueberries

2.       1 cup of plain, non-fat yogurt, ½ cup of sliced banana, ½ teaspoon honey. 1 slice whole wheat bread with ½ tablespoon butter

3.       ¼ of a cantaloupe, ½ cup cottage cheese (counts as 2 ounces of protein) one scrambled egg (one ounce of protein), ½ whole wheat English muffin with 1 teaspoon sugar free jelly

4. Green smoothie (1/4 cup greek yogurt, 1/2 cup mixed fruit (be sure to have some soluble fiber- think berries, pears, peaches, etc. to help with the greens), and 1/2 cup greens (spinach, collards, kale, chard, etc). Add water before blending.) and a piece of whole wheat toast
Side note on smoothies: Be careful about what you think about smoothies. God packaged fruit sugar in lots of fiber. When you blend it, you are taking a low glycemic option and making it high glycemic. Add just enough fruit to make it palatable.  

If you can cook ahead, make some boiled eggs to have on hand. This makes grab and go quality breakfasts possible.

What are your favorite healthy breakfast choices?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Perspective Adjustment

Some days I'm a total grouch. I wish I could say it was always for good reason, but *cringe* that's not always the case. And in these less-than-shinning moments, silly things get to me. I get annoyed that we're out of milk, or that the bed is still un-made. Both of which are my fault. Or that my hour to to-do list ratio isn't working out right, or that the car needs an oil change. 

Then the inevitable happens, I find something that's not 100% my fault. My poor husband's sock, or deodorant out of place or those kitchen cupboard doors left open can get some pretty nasty glares. But why? Why can such a small thing derail me, taking me from joyful to crank pot?

At first these kind of angry emotions were new to me. I thought they just needed to be released. So I let my thunder cloud stay for awhile, thinking that was the healthy way. After all, ignoring emotions gets you in more trouble, right?

But I didn't feel any better and the anger came more often and over sillier and sillier things. So here's my new observations: On days that I am lacking peace, missing my quiet time because I'm too "productive" to pause, days that I don't lean on the Lord's wisdom to guide my steps, the little stuff throws me way off course. When I get a little perspective on the menial tasks and interruptions in my day, life is so much smoother. 

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

Let the little things roll off your back. The toys that are out, the dinner that's late, the car that cut you off in traffic- these things have nothing to do with the big picture.

 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Focus on what's important and our needs will be taken care of. Don't get stuck on the little stuff, and above all, give people the benefit of the doubt. You'll wish they did the same for you.

Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. Ecclesiastes  7:9

And so, I shut my cupboard doors, thankful such an amazing man is around to open them.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fresh Tastes for the Rain

Somehow, when you would think it is time for soups and casseroles, I'm craving fresh, summer foods. 
Caprese Salad is one of my favorite tastes.

Here's what you need:
-Fresh Mozzarella- 4 oz
-Tomatoes- 1 C or 2 medium tomatoes
-Fresh Basil (dried can work, but isn't quite the same)- this I always eyeball. A lot is best :)
-Olive Oil- only a couple teaspoons is needed
-Balsamic Vinegar- a couple teaspoons
-A dash of Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper

Arrange however you want. Cube it all up, slice and platter, or appetizer style. This is enough for 1 serving. If you are doubling (or tripling, or more), save the oil and vinegar drizzle for later. The vinegar makes the cheese brown, which is excusable fresh, but doesn't look as appetizing when bringing it out of the fridge. 

I also love to add a few black olives or a few cups of chopped spinach to get more greens in. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Celebrate Your Season

I've been noticing a pattern:
The single girls just want a boyfriend.
The dating girls just want him to pop the question.
The engaged girls just can't wait until they're finally married.
The married girls just want to get settled into a semi-permanent place/job.
And then, after about a year, they just want to be a mommy.
The new moms can't wait for their kids to get into school.
Can't wait for them to be out of the house.
Can't wait for them to come all back home for the holidays.

Do you see the pattern too? We live so much of this life in the past or the future. There will always be people around us in the next stage of life. We can't let their joy for their season push us into desiring it for our own selves before it's our time. The world around me is full of baby bumps, house buying, and all of those "next stage" desires. But we aren't there yet. It's not time. We are an apartment-living, one-car-driving, student-loans-paying, post-marriage, pre-kiddos couple.

Easy for you to say, says the girl in her pre-marriage season.

Not so, actually. It's not easy for me. This lesson is more for me than anyone else. The last couple weeks have been an incredibly difficult journey for me in letting go. Dreaming is so important for life, but you can't live there. Live in the present. Take actions in the present to bring those dreams to fruition. But the present is where you live, where you love, what you enjoy.

I have been determined to celebrate the stage we are in- to love where the Lord has us. I'm letting the little things bring me joy. Today I'm loving:
Our freedom be spur of the moment
Organized closets
A bed that's made
Clear kitchen counters
Empty email inbox
Having less stuff. 
Our beautiful Christmas Tree
Celebrating Advent, just us.
So much one on one time with my best friend

There is freedom in this place of contentment. You get to love every season without regrets. What are the things in your life you are celebrating in today?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Impromptu Christmas Date

Sometimes it's hard to wait to have children.

And then my husband takes me on an impromptu 5 hour date on a Monday night. I know this kind of flexibility won't always be such an option. 

This week I'm enjoying the present!

First stop: Snowflake Lane!

I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was so cool! The best way I can think to describe it is a stationary, interactive parade. Really fun!

After that we went to the Bellevue Botanical Gardens. 
They really did an amazing job! The pictures definitely don't do it justice. 

It's free for 2 more nights, so go if you can make it there!

And to finish it off, we went to Lunchbox Laboratory for happy hour. Feeling pretty cool to be out late on a Monday. :)
You know you're at a sweet spot when your water comes in a beaker!

Another 2 dates rolled into 1!

Our 12 Dates of Christmas Check-List
1: Pumpkin Party
2: Cinnamon Ornament Making
3: Pick our Tree
3: Decorate the Tree
4: Snowflake Lane 
5: Hot Chocolate Hike
6: Explore Leavenworth for the day 
7: Drive around looking at Christmas lights
8: Face the crowds and go window shopping
9: Stay in and bake some Holiday goodies
10: Walk around the Bellevue Botanical Garden 
11: Pick out our 2012 ornament
12: Christmas Movie Night

Chicken Salad

Chicken salad has never been a go-to in our home. BUT that has changed! Here's what you need for your healthy chicken salad:

1 can of chicken breast or about 6 oz of cooked chicken.
3/4 cup Greek Yogurt, plain. Kirkland, Fage, or Chobani are great brands.
1 clove of garlic, minced or crushed.
A little mustard
A little paprika

Directions: Mix it up!

If you are in your weight loss stage, this makes 1.5 servings of your Lean protein portion. 
Serve with a delicious salad like we did!

The first time we tried this, I added 8 oz of yogurt. It was very creamy, but hard to eat outright. If you are looking for a healthy dip to bring for holiday or football parties, go with 8 oz though!

Joseph sure liked it! (Can you guess he's not an Endive lover? ;)

This recipe has gotten my mind going wild with healthy Greek yogurt ideas. Salmon dip, anyone?!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Tree Adventure

I'm not sure if you can count me as a "country girl." I don't live by country music. I don't own a horse. I don't wear carharts. And the only boots I own are either urban, hiking, or muddy work rubber boots. But, I grew up in Christmas tree farm and cattle country. I love the open space and quiet. And I haven't really boughten a Christmas tree in town. 

A couple of weeks ago, I had trees on the brain so I started listening and watching for pricing. Um, hello! I was a little shocked. Used to $10 u-cuts, let's just say Bellevue pricing didn't fit into the budget. Perfectly timed, we went home for two friends' wedding this weekend. Just in time to pick up a tree. 

Dad's advice: What looks little at the farm, is huge in your house. And so, I found the smallest one that was still taller than me. And yes, it's still pretty enormous.

Prepping for the 4 hour transport

We had some tipping trouble... 

I had originally planned to pick out our tree and decorate it on a different day to spread out the fun. Obviously from the pictures, I couldn't wait. :) I didn't expect doing our own tree would be so exciting!

Joseph and I had a blast doing the whole thing together- straighening (No easy task), lights, ribbon, ornaments. It was so wonderful to spend such a fun time together, listening to Bing Crosby, She & Him, Straight No Chaser, and discovering ThePianoGuys. Seriously beautiful music. 

I was a little amazed at our ornament collection. I guess I've been gathering for awhile. For a girl who doesn't do collections, ornaments are a perfect solution- small, sentimental, put away for most of the year, no day-to-day clutter. And so, we have some pretty fun ones. I'm really looking forward to finding our special ornament for this year together. Maybe on our date to Leavenworth!

Our Christmas Dates Check-List
1: Pumpkin Party
2: Cinnamon Ornament Making
3: Pick our Tree
3: Decorate the Tree
4: Snowflake Lane 
5: Hot Chocolate Hike
6: Explore Leavenworth for the day 
7: Drive around looking at Christmas lights
8: Face the crowds and go window shopping
9: Stay in and bake some Holiday goodies
10: Walk around the Bellevue Botanical Garden 
11: Pick out our 2012 ornament
12: Christmas Movie Night