Wednesday, January 2, 2013

NY Resolutions: Create Your Plan

New Year's Resolutions get a bad wrap.  Maybe it's the dusty treadmill by mid-March, the unfinished scrapbook in July, or the unwritten book on your computer that haunts you. The thing is, a goal without a plan is just a wish. But a wish with a plan will become a reality.

I use this handy chart to map out my goals. This way I know what steps to complete each day to get me to my goal. (Pst, want to know what goals I'm striving for this year? Check them out here)

Let's start with the classic resolution to get healthy in 2013. Write your current reality at the bottom. Be honest and be specific  How do you eat? How often? Water intake? Hours of sleep? Stress level? Exercise? Energy level?

Then at the top, take a moment to dream. Again be SPECIFIC. Are you comfortable in a bathing suit on the beach a x number of pounds? Are you skiing with your grandkids on the mountain without getting breathless? What day is it? What are you wearing? Who are you with? What are you doing and how? What are you feeling? This is your dream, so write it into reality. Think about it like your pen is magic and whatever you write is reality. So don't leave anything out.

Now we fill in the middle of the page with our steps. Write out what is going to get you from your current reality to your goal. After you write something, be sure to attach a time to it. Either an amount (2x a week, 1x a day, etc) or a deadline, depending on what you need.

This is the best way for me to work on large projects and goals in our life. Take the time to write it out for yourself and post it where you can be reminded of your daily steps. And re-write it every month. Keeping it in front of you will keep you propelling forward.

Are you ready to get healthy this year and would like me to walk along side you in that? Leave a comment or email me at

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