Friday, June 6, 2014

Bumpdate: 17 weeks (Already?!)

Obvious from the side..
..Incognito from the front!

Total Weight Gain: Up a half pound this week! So my total is now back to 1.5 lbs.
Symptoms: Being able to lay on my stomach only for about 30 min or so before baby bear starts letting me know he/she is getting squished!
Size of the baby: Baby bear doubled its weight over the last 2 weeks- now about 4 oz! And about 5-5.5 inches long! 
Sleep: Much better this week. Side sleeping is getting more and more comfortable. 
Best Moment Last Week: Getting to tour and interview multiple birthing options. Its really starting to feel real! 
Movement: Some good little "knocks", especially when laying on my tummy. 
Cravings: Nothing crazy this week, but water is super delicious!
What I Miss: Having the option of dressing to look pregnant or not. It's there to stay now! 
What am I looking forward to:Talking more and more to baby now that it's hearing (!)
Milestones: Continuing to grow, and I've made plans to have a sweet friend be my doula! Feeling more and more prepared :)
How is Daddy? Killing it at being a dad already- talking to this little person lots and giving them kisses.