Friday, May 23, 2014

15 week Bumpdate

Total Weight Gain: The scale is packed. I'll be back on this next week!

 My lower back is getting tighter, but I'm stretching lots and taking breaks from the moving activities.

Size of the baby:
 4 inches and 2.5 oz!

 Still battling the lack of tiredness in the evening, but it's really not that bad. Now I just sleep 10:30-7:30 instead of an earlier shift.

Best Moment of this Last Week:
  Starting all this packing! Overwhelming sometimes, but I'm so thankful Joseph and I have tried as hard as we have to not accumulate junk. AND that my mom is the best energizer bunny ever!

 Lots and lots of flutters this week! 
 Ice cream- and this is coming from a girl who can always take or leave ice cream

What I Miss: 
Sleeping through the night without potty breaks
What am I looking forward to:
 Being home! We'll be in Salem on Monday night. I can't wait :)

 First odd craving this week (Ice Cream lol)

How is Daddy? 
Out in the wilderness of Alaska out of cell service. Can't wait to see him in just a few days!

1 comment:

  1. I love ice cream! Especially when it involves chocolate ice cream with chocolate pieces or chocolate fudge. ;) I'm so excited that you are feeling lots and lots of flutters!
